Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I celebrated my first Mother's Day yesterday.  

Let's just say it was memorable.

But first, the day before...

Saturday was the Children's Miracle Network's Walk for Babies.  It's an annual fundraiser to raise money and awareness.  I raised over $200!  My goal was $150 so I'm really excited and so grateful to everyone who donated!  All the money raised stays in the local area to help educate women about how to have healthy babies and support parents and babies in the local NICU's.  So this is a cause close to our hearts.

Duncan was not pleased with me.  I had to wake him up so we could get to the race on time.  Then I put a hat & sunglasses on him (which was SUPER cute).  A happy camper he was not.  But he eventually warmed up to the idea & was chatting with my fellow walkers.  We managed to get back to the car before the rain seriously started falling.  By the time we got home, Duncan was righteously ticked off. 

And then.  he. barfed.

and barfed.  and.  barfed.

I should tell you that we changed his carseat from the handy carry the baby in the seat to the next size up that stays in the car.  So I had to get him unhooked (through the barf) and into the house.  We made it & then got him cleaned up & changed.  I was able to get some juice into him and he kept it down.  We fed him pedialyte and light milk the rest of the day every 20 or so minutes so he didn't get dehydrated.  

Fast forward to Sunday.

Traditionally we go to the fancy brunch at the Coeur d'Alene resort.  It's huge and beautiful and delicious.  Duncan had kept down his 6 am bottle & his 10 am bottle.  Life was good.  

I fed Duncan bits of my french toast.  I have no clue what his daddy & uncle fed him.  Toward the end of brunch Duncan spit up a little.  We took him out of his seat & handed him over to his Nonni for cuddles.  

My poor little man then proceeded to barf all over his Nonni on Mother's Day.  By the way.  My sister is not a go-to person when someone is throwing up.  In case anyone needs to know.  We got Mom a bit cleaned up, Aaron pretty much threw a credit card at the poor waitress and I went to clean up Duncan.  I had an extra outfit & he was all nice & dry.

We were waiting for the car to come around when my poor baby looked at me and had such a sad look then barfed.  all.  over.  me.  

In the lobby of the Coeur d'Alene resort.  On their busiest day of the year.

Aaron threw Duncan's blanket at me to try & staunch some of the dripping.  Yes, it was dripping.  The valet brought the car around & we went into damage control mode.  I wiped Duncan down as much as I could and Aaron put him into his seat.  I then looked down & realized the extent of the damage.  I had barf from my left shoulder in a solid stripe all the way down to my right hip.  Fortunately, Aaron had worn a nice shirt over a t-shirt.  I stripped off my shirt (you'll notice I'm now in front of the CDA resort and entertaining the valets).  After Aaron gets Duncan settled in his seat he throws me his shirt.  

Then off to home.  Duncan had a nap & I had a nap.  

But Aaron & Duncan treated me like a princess and I am assured that I am loved :)

I love my little man!  

PS.  My Mom is wonderful and I love her to bits.  I am so lucky to have her and so is my son.  

PPS. I have pictures and videos and such but no time so all you get is lots of words.

PPPS.  Or is it PSSS?  either way.  I just wanted to type more because I can.  And to see if you're still reading :)

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