Thursday, June 9, 2011

One Year ago...

One year ago I was in labor.  I have to be honest.  My labor didn't hurt.  I was uncomfortable but the contractions didn't hurt.  I could talk through them, much to the amazement of my nurse and husband.  

I had to be on advanced monitoring because they were worried about the baby.  His respiration would drop when I had a contraction so they wanted to be sure all was okay.  That ended up being a good thing.  

I was all set to have natural childbirth.  We'd taken a class, read books, we were ready for it.

On the 9th, I woke up at my regular time and was at work at 6.  I worked my 8 hours, went to the OB and the chiropractor, had dinner at Applebee's then got a call from my doc stating I was going to be induced on Saturday because my lactic acid levels were rising and she was a bit concerned about the baby.  Plus I had gestational diabetes and the baby was tracking at about 5 pounds.  Normally, gestational diabetes causes BIG babies.  Not small ones.

So Aaron and I were ready to greet our little man on the 12th.  

We got home around 6.  We have a cracked window and several local vendors had come the morning of the 9th to give estimates.  I was looking at the estimates when my water broke.  I ran into the bathroom and Aaron yelled in, "everything okay?" to which I squeaked back, "no, I think my water just broke."
Aaron then decided he should probably pack...

We went out front & took pictures (yes, I took time to take pictures).  Then popped in the car and went to Sacred Heart.

So we were at the hospital and I was ready to have this kiddo.  Around 1 am I decided to have an epidural.  There was no way I would have the strength to push if I didn't get some rest.  That ended up being the best decision I made because about 3 the nurse came in and told us she had called the doctor and I was having a c-section.

At 3:50 am on June 10, my little man was born.  From 3:50 to about 3:55 were the longest, most terrifying minutes of my life.  Duncan was blue.  He wasn't breathing and he failed the APGAR.  Fortunately he started breathing and then passed the next APGAR.  I then got to kiss him and then he and Aaron were whisked away to the NICU (where we spent the next 5 weeks...).  Duncan was blue because he was bruised because the poor little man was stuck in the birth canal.  It took until at least September for the inter-cranial bruising to go away.  We know this because he had an unrelated MRI.  (by the way...the swelling is gone and his brain is now perfect and all the dura, etc is where it's supposed to be).

I was a bleeder so it took a while for me to get glued back together (no stitches.  weird).  Then I got the post-epidural shakes.  I have to say, morphine injected into your spine is fantastic pain medication!

Aaron came back down to let me know Duncan was doing fine.  We then headed to the momma/baby unit.  Around 8:30 I finally got to go upstairs and cuddle my boy.  

Fast forward a year and he's now almost walking.  He chatters to everyone and everything.  He loves his bear and his parents.  He flirts with all people.  He is the light of his parents lives.  I cannot believe he's mine.  I love my little man.

Happy First Birthday, Bug!!!!  Momma and Daddy love you very much!!!

PS: Thank you to my beloved husband.  You have given me the best gifts - your love and my son.

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