Thursday, September 1, 2011

And now we're caught up

Standing on my wagon cuz I'm a big guy
Hanging out with Pops
Meeting Eleen :)

What happens when the shelves are too close to the crib

My first ISU sweatshirt
My ducky bathtub
Happy Father's Day!!!
I'm totally innocent of whatever you're accusing me of
any yet you put me in baby jail
Hot summer nights = slow melt popsicles
Momma and Daddy's new couch.  I make it look good.
There you go.  Assorted candids, a video and now we're all caught up picture-wise.


We're fairly certain Duncan's first word was "Hiya".  Or possibly Dada.  Or Hiya Dada.  He just chatters and chatters.

He also sits in his baby jail and sorts his toys and blocks.  And whistles while he does it.  I'm not even certain he realizes he does.  Apparently I do the same thing.  And after some thinking, my dad used to do it, too!  I love totally random genetics!!!!

We think Duncan has 10 to 12 teeth.  Neither of us is willing to stick a finger in his mouth to check & he does NOT like to open his mouth if you want to look.  

Duncan finally got to meet Grandma Eleen & Pops.  They were on their way to their grandson's wedding in Seattle & stopped by.  Duncan had lots of fun with them.  

Poor my last chiropractor appointment (Aaron was next door at the massage therapist), Duncan was hanging out with me.  When we were called back for my adjustment, I parked his stroller and went to the table.  As soon as the Doctor touched my back, Duncan SCREAMED bloody murder.  I had forgotten to give the doctor a hug & let Duncan know it was all okay.  My poor little guy was not happy until I was finally off the table & able to pick him up.  It was pretty entertaining, especially considering that he's definitely Daddy's guy.  But apparently he doesn't want to share his Momma :)

Now I'm off to bed.  Tomorrow is Friday & then the long weekend!

Safe travels to anyone who is going places!!!

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