Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving?

Okay, so I'm a couple days late.  But we did have a lovely Thanksgiving.  We traveled to Post Falls to have dinner at my sister's house.  The weather was terrible and it took us almost an hour to get there.  Fortunately Duncan slept almost the entire time so that was one less thing to worry about.  

My nephew Adam has decided that, being a big boy of 20 months, he should be able to hold the baby (of 5 1/2 months).  Makes sense to me!  And my nephew Thomas was a wonderful cousin.  He shared his blanket with Duncan, held him and read a story.  It was beautiful to see my guys hanging out & reading together!  

Mom I don't need any help I'm a big boy!

MY baby

 Aren't they adorable?? 

Thomas and Duncan

All 3 cousins.  Adam is trying to grab Duncan so he can hold him.

Cousins!!!  (notice Adam is "holding" Duncan")

Adam had to take pictures.  This is his blankie.

Dinner was delicious!  Mary went all out and made us a fantastic traditional turkey dinner.  Duncan hung (literally) in a jumper for a while then got fussy because he was sleepy.  I grabbed him & he fell asleep on me.  So I was very glad most Thanksgiving food is already bite-sized.  Made one-handed eating nice & easy!

Mary was originally planning for 10 or 11 of us - My step-niece Eileen and her family and our family friend Brett were all supposed to be there.  However, my niece lives in Seattle and they couldn't get out of town let alone over the pass.  So we missed them very much.  But were very grateful they were safe.

We left pretty quickly after dinner because of the weather.  It was snowing and blowing and yucky.  Made it home in about an hour.  

Friday I didn't go shopping.  First time in years I skipped Black Friday.  There wasn't anything we wanted to get for people.  Besides - I have my gift for the person whose name I drew for my family.  Aaron has his person's from my family done, too.   We have most everything else planned and/or ordered.  YAY!!!

Saturday my friend Lois & I went to knitting class to learn how to make fingerless mitts.  It was easier than I expected!  I even made thumbs which is a huge deal.  Trust me.  I then spent Saturday evening & Sunday finishing the project :)  Mom came over to watch Duncan while I knit & Aaron worked.  They had a good time together.  Duncan loves his Grandma's!!!!!  Both of them :)

Right now, Mighty D is arguing with his binkie.  I don't know why.  He keeps pulling it out of his mouth and talking to it then putting it back in.  Sometimes right side up, sometimes upside down.  It's quite adorable!

Aaron & I have such a good baby!  He sleeps through the night, rarely cries, when he wakes up he just chatters until we wake up & get him.  We're really blessed!  

He's picked up on sign language, too.  He responds to "more" and "milk".  We're now working on "change" and "done".  We all go to class on the 15th to learn more about sign language and how to incorporate it better into our lives.

Now I need to get the baby to go to sleep so I can go out & shovel before Aaron gets home.

Global warming my tuckus!!!

Duncan asleep

Please note he has a death-grip on his ball


  1. Great pictures. So glad you had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!

  2. *sigh* We missed a great time. ;( Richard & I love the pictures, though!
