Tuesday, October 5, 2010


So it's been quite a while since I posted.  I didn't even realize how long it had been until my sister mentioned it yesterday.  Oops.  Oh well.  Nothing I can do about it now!  Except write an exceptionally pithy post.  But the odds of that are slim, frankly.  Plus I had misplaced the cable for my camera so I couldn't load pics or videos.  Good news is I found it.

Duncan is doing great.  I can't believe how much he's grown!  We'll find out officially how much next week when he goes to the doctor for his 4 month check up.  He'll get weighed and measured :)  Unfortunately he'll have shots, too :(  

Hanging out.  Eating my hands.  Life is good.

I can so totally hold my head up.  I just choose not to.
 Mighty D has reached the super fun stage where he interacts with us but can't move.  Love it!  He's got such a personality.  He is a very good baby.  He only cries when he's hungry, is scared or really tired.  2 of the 3 can be solved with cuddles, 2 of the 3 can be solved with warm milk.  He does love his bottle :)
He keeps helping us hold the bottle.  Again, terribly cute!

Aaron & I are trying to start sign language with him.  He won't be able to sign back until he's 6-8 months old but we figure if we start now it'll be easier for him later.  Plus it will be consistent.  We hope.  
 There.  Lots of pictures and two videos.  Hopefully I will now be forgiven.  


  1. Definitely do the sign language! You won't regret it, even if he only picks up three gestures before he starts talking. Richard was great at it, and he sometimes still uses them even though we prefer the words.
