Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Back to Club NICU

So darn cute!

Duncan wakes up like his mom - slowly and grumpily

Well, Duncan's back at Club NICU. His jaundice is back so he's now under the lights again. Which is good because the elevated biliruben levels cause him to be very lethargic.
New arrangement - privacy curtains :)

We're on a new feeding schedule. Every other feed for the next 2 days will be through his nose tube. This is so he can rest and get energy. Then we'll proceed from there. I think it will help. Plus getting all the jaundice out of his system. Hopefully this is the last bout.

Tomorrow is my first day on my own - Aaron returns to work. But Thursday is the only day he works "regular" hours. He'll be able to be there for the 6 & 9 o'clock feeds. On Friday, Saturday & Tuesday he'll only miss the 6 o'clock feed so it won't be much of a change. I'll miss him but also know he needs to focus on something other than the NICU. Plus he's owed at least 2 massages which he really, really needs. So hopefully he'll be able to get one tomorrow :)

I'm doing pretty well. I still have my "Mommy moments" when I am so overwhelmed by the fact that this beautiful little boy is all mine. I am a very lucky girl to have a wonderful husband who gave me this child. Worth every moment.
Momma loves her Duncan

I am getting SO big!

1 comment:

  1. You are extremely blessed and I am sorry you guys are going through this. But he is so lovely!!
