Saturday, June 26, 2010

We moved!!!

This is how I look in sunlight
I refuse to keep my hat on
I gained another .4 ounce!
RAWR! I'm a mighty dinosaur. When I'm awake.

Duncan was moved today. But not to the dreaded 8th floor - to a window room!!!
Now he can survey his future domain :) It's also nice for his parents who spend lots of time at the hospital with him. Apparently sunlight is good for you!

His doctor was very pleased with his blood work today. His biliruben (jaundice) levels were unchanged from yesterday which is good. Living by the window will also help keep his bili levels down.

The doctor said we're looking at about a week or so & then he'll probably be home! We're going to start 2 feedings in a row tomorrow & will see how that goes. If he has enough energy we'll increase that again to all his feedings then after 48 hours of feedings from the bottle or me he'll get to come home!!!!!!!!

But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

He had great feeds again today. Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to increase his active feedings to 2 in a row. Then even closer to home.

And all you mom's out there who ever had to use a breast pump will understand my excitement about creating a hands-free pumping bra. Sooo much easier!!! Now I can read or type or read or read :) Very important for someone who is really bad at sitting there and doing nothing.


  1. This is great news!! So happy for you all! I'll keep thinking good thoughts for the Mighty Duncan and his amazing parents.

  2. Hands free pumping is a must! So happy for Duncan!

  3. I pumped when I went back to work at 9 weeks and after the first week I rigged up hands free too. I could NOT stand having to hold the horns for 20+ minutes! Good for you - I'm so proud that you're BFing Duncan. G just weaned 6 days short of his 2nd birthday so if I can offer any advice it's that sometimes it gets hard, but it's worth it. :)
