Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lucky 13

Today Duncan is 13 days old :)
I was way too tired to post anything last night. Duncan did well - he at 40 ml of his 47 ml feeding twice overnight which is awesome!
He was pretty tuckered out for his 9 & noon feedings, though. So we snuggled and let him sleep.
His jaundice levels are slowly climbing. The doctor isn't worried but I think he may go back under the lights if they go up again. We'll see. Perhaps the little guy will get a second visit to Club NICU.
I have a couple videos that I'll post later because they take a bit of time to upload & I need to finish getting ready.
Overall, we're doing well. Aaron has to go back to work tomorrow and is not happy about it. Duncan & I appreciate that he's going, though. But it sucks because he won't be with us. But that just means Duncan will grow faster & learn to eat better because he wants to come home so he can spend more time with Daddy. We both love the Daddy very much.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers and love for you all...Duncan is amazingly sweet and you and Aaron are the best parents. Getting some sleep so you heal and get rested is a good thing for when you get to bring Duncan home... :)

