Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2 Months Old!!!!

Where did two months go?? I cannot believe my little guy is two months old today. Wow. He's grown so much!

We went to the doctor today for his 2 month checkup and shots. He's now 8 pounds, 2 ounces and 20.3 inches long! Almost double his birth weight :)

His shots went well. He fussed a bit but recovered quickly. Unfortunately he's now in the super fussy stage. He'll half wake up, cry a bit, then fall back asleep. I'm feeding him as much as he'll take and gave him some Tylenol because his temperature was creeping up. Not seriously high but enough to make him uncomfortable. I've been cuddling him and petting him most of the afternoon so he knows he's not alone. Poor bunny.

He's in good health overall :-) He's responding really well to his meds. We need to grab some baby books next time we're at the store so we can read more to him but I think we'll do that tomorrow on Aaron's day off. Or we'll head to the 24-hour Walmart after his 3 am wake-up. Might as well take advantage of it, I guess!! Maybe I'll go after the 6 am instead. Starbucks is open then & I can get a decaf latte. Hmmm...

1 comment:

  1. Hello I gave you a box of books from your child hood. Also I have a box ready to go to your hous. Come on over. love mom
