Friday, August 27, 2010

A First

I'm almost smiling at my momma

was a perfect gentleman for the picnic.  He flirted and giggled and cooed at everyone :)  

After the picnic was another story.  The temperature maxed out at about 97.  Waaay too hot for Duncan.  And Duncan's parents.  So we were all a bit grumpy after we got home.  Then Duncan was up and fussy until about midnight.  It was a rough night for Aaron.

However, the next two nights Duncan slept for 7 hours each night!!!  Which was great for Aaron.  I still needed to be up at 3ish to get to work at 5 but my boys were taken care of.  And this morning I got to sleep until 4:45 because I'm blessed with being able to work from home on Fridays so I didn't have to get ready or anything.  No one cares if you're in your jammies when you're at home.  

It's really fun because Aaron still takes care of Duncan until I'm done with work.  Watching the two of them rocks my world.  My two favorite guys hanging out and playing and chatting together.  Absolutely beautiful.

Daddy & Duncan

This is my first weekend alone with my boy.  Aaron is off to Seattle for his "Mancation."  It's the fourth year he and 5 friends have gone.  It's a great get-away for him and after this summer he DEFINITELY deserves it!  (I go on my girls weekend at the end of September)   So Duncan and I are on our own :)  Should be fun!!!  I'm headed to one or two baseball games, depending on how Duncan does.  It's only supposed to be in the mid-70's all weekend which is perfect for taking babies to baseball games.  My friend Erin is going with us tomorrow so it will be great fun to catch up!!!  And baseball players.  I mean baseball...

I sort of need to apologize for not keeping up on the blog.  I type sort of because it's not my fault.  We've been having intermittent internet in the evenings and it's usually been right when I finally sit down to type.  So it's not my fault but Qwest's.  I did, finally, charge the phone attached to the landline so I can call because I'm not using cell phone minutes to call them.  Now I just need to get the energy to call.

Have I mentioned how grateful I am when I have time to both eat a warm dinner and get a full pumping done?  It makes me feel like such a good mom...I can keep myself healthy and feed my baby.  You might notice I didn't mention cleaning or washing or anything like that.  I've re-prioritized a lot of things. 

When we were first married, you could've eaten off any floor in the apartment.  I was meticulous.  Okay, obsessive.  Then I realized my tendencies were harming my relationship with my beloved.  I started to relax my standards and stopped holding Aaron to them.  It made for a much happier couple.  

Once again, my standards have changed.  I make sure there are clean bottles, clean pumping supplies and try to ensure, if I have time/energy, any dishes in the sink get washed.  That's about it.  I clean up my "nest" (the area around my rocking chair & laptop) about once a week.  I try not to be too much of a pig.  But my focus is my boy.  And my husband.  So if you come over, please lower your expectations :)  It's a very lived-in house.


  1. He is looking like such a sweet big boy! I know what you mean about lowering expectations, my house is very well-lived in!

  2. Oh my goodness - he is growing up so fast - what a cute picture!! As for the house - clutter? What clutter???

  3. You are an amazing Momma, reprioritizing what is REALLY important is the only way to go. :)
