Friday, August 6, 2010


Duncan and Captain America

Oh my goodness. A day with nothing scheduled. Well, Aaron had to go to work but that's totally different from having to go to an appointment. It was blissful! And good because Mighty D turned into Mr. Hyde and decided that he didn't want to go back to sleep at 4 am. Noooo. It was time to be awake and fussy.

This is when I discovered why God gives you a helpmate. I had nothing but respect for single parents before. But I couldn't imagine having a baby on your own. Between the two of us, we finally got him back to sleep around 5:30 (he'd been up about 3 hours by then). Then he was up again just before 9. Not as long as we'd have liked him to sleep but beggars can't be choosers.

Duncan did pretty well today. He was a bit fussy this afternoon and has again been cluster feeding but we think it might be because of the medication. Or he's growing. Or he's just a baby :)

I got to get out of the house for a bit today. We had to get some checks in the bank and get a different thermometer. Because Duncan doesn't produce cortisol (the hormone that allows your body to react to stress), we have to be cautious if he gets a fever. And the thermometer we had is good but not fast. So I went to Costco for a temporal thermometer. We like it! Much easier & faster.

Today was also the first day of thyroid meds. No real difference so far but I'm not sure what to expect. He'll probably be more alert...I think. We'll see!

We've gone 4 nights in a row without a brady or apnea attack :) That's a very good sign. Hopefully he's outgrowing them and we'll be able to get rid of the monitor soon.

Duncan got to hang out with Miss Carly today. He was very well behaved and snuggled with her and talked to her. He didn't spit up on her. Lucky girl :) It was nice to have an adult conversation with someone other than Aaron (no offense honey). And to catch up on girl talk!!

The wee beastie is now sleeping so I should probably go & do something slightly more constructive than blogging. Or I may just go read or knit...although finishing Duncan's blanket right now seems waaaay too warm. I think the Kindle will win.

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