Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back to work

Well, tomorrow I go back to work.  Sigh.  I'm still torn.  Oh well :)  Only 8 hours or so away from my boys.

I feel like it's the first day of school.  I have my outfit laid out, my pump is ready & my supplies are in the sterilizer.  I have my lunch planned & will pack it up later tonight.  I know which car I'm taking.  I'm as ready as I can be.  I suppose. 

I was checking & the 3 Starbucks that are on my way to work (one is slightly out of the way but still close) all open at 5 or 6 am.  I'll be at work at 5 am.  Sigh.  Oh well :)  I guess I'll have to make my own coffee.  What a concept!!!  (if anyone reads this & wants to bring coffee, decaf vanilla latte...iced or hot since beggars can't be choosers)

Duncan has been a very good boy today.  Smiles and coos and chatting.  Granted, he's been talking to the baby in the mirror but it's still very cute.  

Duncan had a bath tonight.  I still can't believe how much he likes his bath.  Fortunately he's gotten better about getting his diaper changed.  He no longer screams which makes it a more pleasant experience for his parents :)

He has also discovered how to self soothe.  He puts his hand in his mouth and calms himself.  It's a very good growth sign.  He also likes to lick the fur on one of his wrist rattles.  It's a little chicken with a tuft of hair that must feel different on his tongue.  I haven't managed to get a picture of it yet.  I'm trying, though!

He gave us his first giggle tonight.  Quite possibly the cutest thing EVER!  Now our mission is to get him to do it again.  And again.  And again.

I'm not sure how much blogging I'll get done in the next week.  I'll try but it all depends on my energy level and how much Duncan needs me :)


  1. Awww, great pic. He is such a sweet boy!

  2. I want to hear the giggling too!
