Thursday, July 8, 2010

28 days later

No matter what Momma does I manage to do this with my hat...
Mighty D is now a month old!!! I can hardly believe it. What a month we've had! He has grown so much and is getting to be such a baby instead of a newborn. I fall in love with him more each day and cannot believe he's mine. What a treasure I have in him :)

So...progress report:
Duncan had 3 great feedings in a row today. He had 2 full feedings at 9 & noon, then ate all but 14 ml from the bottle at 3. Totally awesome progress! He also gained 40 grams yesterday so he's continuing to gain weight. His doctor increased the amount of milk he's getting so he'll grow faster (hopefully) but that's not a huge issue. The nurse will see what his cues are to see if his 6 pm feeding is via gavage or bottle/gavage. Big steps to coming home, though! Pretty soon we'll have to go buy bottles and such!

It was a terribly bureaucratic day for me. I had to call the short term disability company to verify they received my fax about having a c-section. Even though everywhere on the paperwork from them it says a c-section gets 8 weeks disability pay, the doctor didn't state specifically that 8 weeks were needed for recovery. Sigh. Fortunately my case worker will contact the doctor's office and get the info needed. Plus the gal I talked to was very helpful because she thought I should be spending time with my baby & not talking to her. Great customer service!

Then I had to deal with the insurance company and the breast pump rental. Normally, my insurance does not cover a breast pump. Forget that breast fed babies are normally healthier and will cost them less in the long run. Heaven forbid they put out $50 a month. Sorry. Rant over. Back to the story. Since Duncan is in the hospital and requires breast milk to get out of said hospital, they covered it for a month. Well, that month is up in 2 days. So we had to get more data for the insurance company and fax it over. Fortunately the out-patient services at the Women's Clinic at Sacred Heart are totally awesome and took care of it for me. And, miracle of miracles, Premera will pay for another month of rental!! I guess I won't bad-mouth them for a couple days. Or until I get the next packet of EOB's...:)

Aaron is the most WONDERFUL husband. He was on call today instead of having to go in to work. My mom was scheduled to come visit for a couple hours since she hadn't seen Duncan since the day he was born. Aaron left & went shopping at Costco (including picking up prescriptions for me). Then he came home & installed our air conditioner! We have a window unit & for the past 5 years it's been in the window of our spare room...Which is now Duncan's room. So he had to rig it up somewhere else. It's now in the window of our bedroom & it's so much cooler in the house! THANK YOU, SWEETIE!!!!!

Mom had fun with Mighty D. He was wide awake and ready to play. He showed her his tongue and that he can smile at people. He also did the forehead wrinkle for her and was generally cute. Shocking, I know. She was amazed at how big he's gotten and was also so happy he's not bruised & battered anymore :) Then she got to hang out while he ate. It was a fun visit for both of them, I think. Though we're pretty sure Duncan was very confused when he was cuddled to Mom's chest. She has an artificial heart valve that sounds very distinctive and I think it might have confused him.
Duncan loves Grandma Kay

Duncan had super fun mail today. (all I got was the water bill) Grandma Sylvia & Grandpa Ken sent him LOTS of kisses which will be delivered when we go back after dinner and some sleepers which are the perfect size :)
Passing on kisses

Cousins Don & Sharon Marsland sent him his first book (seriously. I can't believe we haven't bought him any books!!! YIKES!), Goodnight Moon. I'm very excited to read it to him!

1 comment:

  1. Great news on pretty much everything! Even dealing with the nasty paperwork. And the pictures are great... and so is the tip about no books. Aunt Carly knows what she's off to buy. :)
    Still thinking good thoughts that Duncan will be out of there soon!
