Thursday, July 1, 2010


Ready for bed

Duncan is still being the best little trooper ever! We returned to every other feeding through the nose tube yesterday. The occupational therapist explained why and it totally makes sense. We need to build in rest times for the little guy so he gets lots of energy and can come home. So it's not a step backward, more of a lateral. We also decreased the number of breastfeeding times to twice daily at 9 am & 9 pm. Babies use a ton of energy to get breast milk so we're maximizing his opportunity and (hopefully) energy. But I don't care if I have to pump for a year if it gets Mighty D home to us!!!

Hopefully this will get the little guy on the road to coming home quicker!

Poor little man has also had problems with loose poo. They had me cut out dairy 2 weeks ago. He was starting to get better then they changed his bottle feedings to a higher calorie and *poof* the problem reoccurred. He's been on breast milk only for the past 24 hours & the doctor is sending a sample to the lab to see if he has an intolerance to proteins or carbohydrates. The most likely scenario is he has something in his gut that hasn't matured and can't process the fats in breast milk. We'll take him off breast milk for a couple weeks so his belly, etc can heal then restart the breast feeding. I'll still pump and stockpile milk so he'll still have plenty to get from me. But we'll see what the results say from the test.

Right now, it looks like we'll be spending the 4th of July in the NICU. There is a possibility he could turn a corner and be ready to come home but it'll probably be a week or so more.

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