Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Birthday!

First things first: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my nephew Thomas! I can't believe my bob-a-looey is now 10! It was just yesterday we trying to teach you to walk. Your first word was "Aaro" because you love your Uncle Aaron so much. You are such a special boy and I can't wait to see what life brings you! I love you tons and bunches, my nephew!!!

Duncan, Aaron & I ventured to the doctor again today. We're going to have to take Duncan somewhere that isn't a doctor so he doesn't dread the car. His pediatrician is a bit concerned about his growth so we went to see a pediatric endocrinologist. She is a lovely lady. Poor Duncan had to get blood tests, though. Which really, really sucked. We had to hold him while the tech did a heel stick. Then continue holding him until she got enough blood. Unfortunately, we have to go back next week for another blood test because we needed 6 vials and the tech didn't want to draw any more than 5 today. Poor bunny.

But we'll get some answers and get Duncan's growth on the right path!

After the doctor & lab visit, we went to see my office. It was weird to go to work, even for a few minutes. But Duncan was very well behaved. He cooed and gurgled and only spit up on me. He had lots of fun, I think, seeing the voices that talked to him for so long. They just loved Roswell (that's what they called him before he was born because the ultrasounds looked like an alien). He loves them, too!

1 comment:

  1. We were all very excited to see you all. Thank you so much for stopping in! And thanks for not coming to visit when I was at lunch :) A part of me will be really happy to have you back at work. Missed ya (as weird as that is). At the same time, I wish you could take another month off to spend with the kiddo. And have I mentioned how blessed you and Aaron are to have each other through everything. Not that you need me to tell you that. Take care.
