Thursday, July 15, 2010


Almost home
Longest car ride EVER! He slept the whole time...
Nurse Julie got to carry him out
Rooming in
Last hospital picture

Exactly 5 weeks after Duncan was born, he FINALLY came home!!!!

We spent the night at the hospital last was an interesting experience. They leave you alone so you can get to know your baby one-on-one and so you can learn how to use the monitor. The apnea monitor is interesting. It goes off whenever Duncan has an apnea attack or a brady. Or if he wiggles too much & the leads move. We had one of each last night - He self-recovered from the apnea & the brady. Aaron & I eventually recovered from the sound of the leads coming off. It was LOUD. But we're both very glad we have it, just in case. We figure he'll be on it for a month or so. It's up to the doctor.

The head of neonatology at Sacred Heart came in to do Duncan's final check & formally release us. He profusely apologized for the confusion on Tuesday. I told him I understood, it's the doctor's job to protect the babies. His reply was it's also our job to know the parents. Aaron & I have nothing but good things to say about our experience. All things considered. The nurses were phenomenal. Understanding, nurturing, comforting and loving to our boy and to us. The doctors were great. They answered any questions we had and always had time for us. I don't recommend having a baby in the NICU but if you do and you're in the area, go to Sacred Heart. Have your baby there. They are AWESOME!

Here are some things I've learned over the past 5 weeks:
  • Aaron & I are much stronger than we thought we were.
  • Aaron & I are much weaker, too. We see a smile from that boy of ours and melt.
  • The drive back from the hospital on Friday & Saturday nights takes you past some very entertaining "hot" spots in Spokane.
  • You make the drive too often when you recognize the homeless people
  • Don't get plasma from the place on 2nd Avenue. The line is frightening. It wraps around the building and there are no people you want bodily fluids from.
  • The soap at Sacred Heart results in the worst cuticles ever. I have actual splits in my fingers from the soap.
  • The cafeteria food is decent but you've been there too long when you know Wednesday is pizza day.
  • Apparently, I must have food in my belly at all times. This morning was spent throwing up nothing...Stress is not good. But I'm much better now.
  • The nurses at Sacred Heart are AWESOME
  • I'm glad I planned and have enough time off to stay with Duncan until August 13. Almost another month. I wanted to spend almost 10 weeks with him but don't have enough leave and can't afford unpaid leave (especially after the EOB's I've seen from Premera). But 4 weeks or so more is great.
  • I appreciate that Aaron & I have schedules that will make it so Duncan doesn't have to go to daycare. After the past 5 weeks I couldn't leave him at a daycare. Aaron works 4 evenings a week and I work days. He'll bring Duncan down to my office & we'll trade cars & Duncan & I get to go home :)
  • I'm really, really grateful for all the support we've gotten from our families and friends. My village is AWESOME!!
I promise to keep up on the blog as much as I can. Duncan is still my little miracle and we will be celebrating him forever!!!


  1. Thank you so much for keeping us informed every step of the way. I know at times it must have been very difficult for you but I for one appreciate it very much (and Duncan will too once he is able to read and understand!!) I'm glad you are all home where you belong. At the risk of sounding like a broken record - let me know if there is ANYTHING that you need.



  2. I love these pictures of him finally home! These next 4 weeks will fly by, I am sure, but the best news is that he is home!
