Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Booger butt...

Looking at Auntie
Reading with Daddy
My official 6 pound club certificate!
Duncan did really well last night. I think (fingers crossed) he has this eating thing down. Now we just need energy. We'll see what the OT says today.

Aaron & I did actually go to the baseball game last night. It was very weird. Fortunately (?) none of our friends that we sit by were there last night so we didn't have to tell our story. Which kind of made it easier. I was itchy to go at 7:30 but knew we should wait. So around 8:15 we left. Almost 2 hours of baseball. Not bad. I did get to show off pictures to a couple of our friends which was fun.

It was a very exciting day in our room yesterday. Duncan's roommate, Aadi, gets to go home!!!!! His parents were in shock when they got the news. It was so sweet. They "roomed in" last night and should be sprung this afternoon! We're so excited for them :)

We met with the occupational therapist today. We're now feeding Mighty D as he cues us. That means if he's rooting around and really awake we try to bottle feed him. We'll probably do 2 in a row then gavage the 3rd. Which makes for an entertaining schedule trying to get a breastfeeding in there but that's okay. This is a HUGE step closer to getting him home!

After we were given the go-ahead to cue feed, Duncan did 2 good feedings in a row. A full feeding at 9 am and all but 10 ml at noon. Then my little booger butt decided to stay awake. From about 11:45 until 3:30. Silly boy. He didn't fuss either. Just wide awake and looking around. Which made his visitors happy!!! Today he got to meet Nancy and Uncle Joe. And Auntie Mary finally got to hold him for a bit. Which made her really, really happy :)

Now, I'm off for my nap. It's been much easier on me to blog in the afternoon rather than the evening. This way stuff gets posted but I'm more cognizant of what the heck I'm writing.

By the way...6 pounds, 2.2 ounces. He gained 60 grams yesterday!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Go Duncan Go! Sounds like things are coming along nicely...Excellent! XO Jane
